I feel the work we have done together has been pivotal in my life, I could not have done it without you.....I finally accepted I couldn’t do it on my own but didn’t like the thought of AA and was looking for an alternative. The future focused orientation resonated and concentrating on the benefits of sobriety.

The biggest surprise was realising how difficult life was whilst I was drinking, the almost constant worry about was I was doing to myself and the consequent battle in my head, so exhausting.  It’s so liberating to be free of that.

Working with Lucy has given me the confidence to look at my life without booze and be excited about the new opportunities this gives me. Helping me unlock the true value of my choice not to drink.

Understanding what truly motivates me and what I want to do with in my life that gives me excitement and joy. Lucy is a fantastic listener and has the ability to ask the right questions that quickly help find the answers to how in your life you can navigate the daunting (at first) idea of life without booze.

Lucy will work with you to help identify where it is you want to get to. How that can become a reality for you and break this down into small achievable steps. Lucy’s easy going, non judgemental approach made me feel at home and comfortable to speak openly. I no longer see my life not drinking as giving anything up but am excited about the many things I’ve gained and the future possibilities opening up to me.

Thank you Lucy for being a steady beacon of light helping me identify the endless new possibilities open to me and giving me lots of practical tips and tools to deal with life and situations that previously I couldn’t imagine without a drink (or several) in my hand
— Client
I was slightly apprehensive about a session with a Sober Coach. ‘Do I really need to talk to someone?’ kept going through my head on the run up to the session, ‘I have given up booze on my own before so what am I going to get from this really?’ These were some of my thoughts on the run up to the session, peppered with ‘yes, you have given up but have started again’ ‘if you really felt in control you wouldn’t even be contemplating a chat with someone’

Anyway, I did it. Lucy was absolutely lovely, completely non-judgemental, went through her own experience with booze, very similar story, it hadn’t taken over her life but was having more of an impact than she liked. We then just chatted but at the end of the session we came out with a sort of mission statement, a list of things that I was going to do to support 30 days of not drinking without feeling like I was missing out. I have never really explored alcohol free anything but after speaking to Lucy, I was quite excited to go and have a look and making Friday nights still feel ‘special’. I am feeling very positive, not overwhelmed and looking forward to the next 30 days! Well 26 now...
— Client
The thought of approaching a sober coach filled me with shame, embarrassment and the fear of being judged - even though I knew that’s exactly what sober coaches were here to support.

‌My apprehension disappeared the moment I got on my call with Lucy. There was an immediate connection and “knowing”, which made me feel I’d made the right decision and I was in the right space to be heard.

‌My initial fear went out the window when I opened up and all the reasons why I felt that shame and guilt came pouring out. Lucy listened. She not only listened - she heard me. We spoke about those times and I was made to feel like a person that mattered. It was exactly what I needed from years of holding onto these feelings.

‌We spoke about my “grey area” drinking and came up up with a plan to look forward and work around my trigger points. I never classed myself as somebody with a huge drinking problem, but rather somebody who turned to it for comfort. Lucy completely guided me to a point I needed to be at with my dependency and showed me a future that was guilt free and absolutely possible.

‌If you’re worried about being judged or feel shame like I did, I cannot give you that nudge enough to reach out. The first step is the hardest but Lucy offered so much genuine support from a place of wanting to understand and help. I’m grateful for our coaching sessions and the WhatsApp check-ins. Knowing I had somebody to speak to when I had a wobble and I wasn’t left on my own with my own thoughts to decide if I’d have another glass of wine.

I’m on the path to a less groggy and productive life and I’m so excited and thankful for the session
— Client